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Revisiting Mermaid.js for simple diagrams

10 minute read

Why Mermaid? I’ve always loved diagrams as code - you can easily express graphical information in a text file, with easy searching, renaming, git tooling, a...

Mac toolbar widgets with xbar and rust

3 minute read

(aside - I have some much bigger blog ideas but haven’t had the time to write them properly - so here’s just a small thing I find handy) Lately I wanted som...

Translating my Grandfather’s biograpy

9 minute read

My grandfather, Dr Kornelis Sietsma was a Dutch Reformed Church minister in wartime Amsterdam. He preached in ways that offended the Nazi occupiers, and the...

Custom URI schemes in Obisidian (on a mac)

3 minute read

My youngest child started school this week, so I have a bit of time for blogging! This is another “a neat hack that I’m sharing partly so I remember how I d...

Refreshing multiple git repos

2 minute read

File under “blogging so I remember how I did this”… I often have the situation where I have a directory full of related git repositories related to one area...