Revisiting Mermaid.js for simple diagrams
Why Mermaid? I’ve always loved diagrams as code - you can easily express graphical information in a text file, with easy searching, renaming, git tooling, a...
Why Mermaid? I’ve always loved diagrams as code - you can easily express graphical information in a text file, with easy searching, renaming, git tooling, a...
(aside - I have some much bigger blog ideas but haven’t had the time to write them properly - so here’s just a small thing I find handy) Lately I wanted som...
My grandfather, Dr Kornelis Sietsma was a Dutch Reformed Church minister in wartime Amsterdam. He preached in ways that offended the Nazi occupiers, and the...
My youngest child started school this week, so I have a bit of time for blogging! This is another “a neat hack that I’m sharing partly so I remember how I d...
File under “blogging so I remember how I did this”… I often have the situation where I have a directory full of related git repositories related to one area...
The world is full of AI hype aright now - and often it’s blown out of proportion, both on the “everything is fine” side and the “machines are going to take o...
I quit my job! Yes, after 12 amazing years at Thoughtworks, I decided it was time to move on. I’m starting a new job in November - more on that later - but ...
My highly-idiosyncratic list of interesting people on Mastodon I’ve been really enjoying moving from the crumbling mess of Twitter, to the chaotic federated...
Sharing here as this was a world of pain, and maybe I can save someone else this pain. Information is as of November 2022 - earlier advice on the web is wro...
It depends which bits of Twitter you want…
My sabbatical is winding up, I naturally got far less coding done than I expected! Our lovely daughter has had a big sleep regression, so a lot of my focus ...
A geeky kind of sabbatical I am on sabbatical! After 10 years at Thoughtworks, I’m getting a nice long break. (I’ve actually been on sabbatical for a few ...
Long time no blog I don’t often post personal things here, but I thought after a 15 month gap I should put something up. We are all well and happy here, bu...
The Polyglot Code Explorer is my open-source tool for visualising complex codebases written in multiple programming languages.
My approach to get D3 to play nicely with React
Building a digital garden (obsolete, now I use Obsidian!)
Configuring git to swap between identities easily
Testing and Agile I’ve seen testing, especially acceptance testing, done horribly wrongly over the years, and sadly I often see the same anti-patterns repeat...
My hacks to easily grab and OCR text on my mac
This isn’t actually all that new - I hacked this together during a global day of coderetreat in Melbourne in 2012 - but I’ve mentioned it to a few people, an...
So, last significant update was 2014 - and most of the posts before that were about clojure. (I used to have a personal blog as well at but...
I’m moving everything to Google Domains as I don’t see the value in paying for complex hosting. I’m using github pages for hosting static sites like this on...
I’m planning to build a proper clojure snippets/cheat-sheet page, for all the things I do regularly, or want to encourage team members to do regularly. But ...
Example of parsing FreeMind xml in clojure
“XML is like violence - if it doesn’t work, use more”
Starting a new blog in 2013